Textile Gems wants to show you some fun ways to have a room in your home get the same spark of freshness you feel when putting on a great new outfit!

Do you ever long for “changing up” your living room for a new look but feel it’s not possible without a big budget and renovation commitment? Although our world of Textile Gems focuses on vintage and ethnic textiles, any wonderful textiles—-including contemporary textile art—-or even new, “off the bolt” unique fabrics can be cleverly reimagined as home decor artistry.

Above we have a striking triptych of Japanese kimono panels adding a subtle exotic style to our small sitting room. while a retro chair and numerous ethnic pillows abound.

Below we see textiles as small matted fragments on shelves and used as pillow coverings on window seat.

These two photos show comparison of our new triptych with the previous one I created—also from vintage Japanese kimono panels.

And in another room… (click to enlarge)

Questions? Comments? Great! Email Fran Seigel here.